Latest Articles and NewsRestroom Cleanliness Forms Lasting Impressions
Survey finds restroom cleanliness is key for positive perception of a business As more people visit retail shops and public facilities in preparation for the holidays, they are noticing the cleanliness of the buildings they visit. A new survey by Cintas Corp....
Cleaning a Top Priority for Returning to Work
More than one-third of Americans would consider quitting if their workplace was not cleaned properly As the new coronavirus omicron variant continues to spread across the country, a new survey of 1,600 Americans reveals a clean workplace is still a top priority for...
Away for the Holidays?
As we prepare for the holidays, many of us will be leaving our current residences and spending extended time traveling and staying at the homes of family and friends or in hotels. We will take the time to notify trustworthy neighbors of our absence, request our...
That Nasty Thing Called Mold
What does it do? Mold, that nasty four letter word that causes many of us to shutter at the mere mentioning. Mold is a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter. It is found everywhere and can grow on almost any...
Welcome to Carolina Premier Cleaning!!
Hello and Welcome to our blog! Our goal here is to help you by providing cleaning tips and community information that may be relevant to you and your business. Our desire for this blog is to inspire and encourage all that we are able. Let's begin by telling you who...